Who's it for?
Welcome to Brittney's coaching program, designed for both men and women of all ages who are ready to embrace change and overcome life's challenges. Whether you're an overachiever, a perfectionist, or someone navigating grief, I want to offer you a supportive environment that will empower you to find balance and fulfillment. Start now on this transformative journey to unlock your true potential and thrive in every aspect of your life.
This is for all the brave souls out there who have faced loss and grief but are now ready to embark on a new journey of life!
If you're struggling to adjust to a new normal due to changes in your life, don't worry, I've got you covered.
For those of you feel stuck in your day-to-day routine and crave change and fulfillment, get ready to be inspired!
Do you catch yourself say things like?:
"I'm not good enough"
"I can't do this anymore"
"I am alone and scared"
"I want to escape"
"I don't have a choice"
"I have to"
"It's the only thing I know"
"It's because I was raised that way"
"It's because (zodiac sign)"
"I'm too young or too old now to make a change"

What is mind-body connection?
The mind-body connection refers to the correlation between an individual's thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors and their physical health. While the impact of emotions on the body has been recognized by scientists for some time, recent research has shed new light on the extent to which emotions can influence health and longevity.
Empowerment and what it means for you?
Empowerment is the ultimate way to take control of your life and make positive decisions that benefit you! It's all about developing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that allow you to overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and take charge of your life. With empowerment, you can boost your self-esteem and self-confidence, and improve every aspect of your life including your physical and mental health! So let's get excited about empowerment and start living our best lives!
What's included
8-week program
1 or 2 hour virtual sessions a week
Weekly homework that keeps you accountable
Learning tools to understand yourself and working through what is holding you back
Healing your physical pain and illnesses by understand the emotions that are trapped in the area
Ability to message me at any moment during the the program for support. ( Will respond during business hours)Weekly Virtual guided mind-body yoga class
Week 1: Discovery Call
Week 2: Learning and understanding the foundation of mind-body connection
Week 3: Surfacing your biggest fears and tools on how to break them down
Week 4-8: Is custom and different for every client based. Based off what you wish to get out of your coaching. That can look like building boundaries, overcoming fear and negative thoughts, focusing on healing physical issues, having a grasp on what you have control of, etc.
After the program you have the choice to do my monthly program or single sessions as needed.

Stay in the loop!
Get monthly newsletters that include:
New blog post on your favorite quotes
Questions you can ask yourself to make big change in your life
Great books or podcast that empower your journey
Amazing amazon products for natural health and beauty
Yin Yoga

Anxiety & Depression
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Religion and Spirituality

Loss, change, healing, and growth is not a one time deal!
Your never too old or too young to empower yourself for more. Even after completing this program it only means you have the tools you need to use in future situations. We are never done learning and growing and I always say if you think your done, then you have the most growing to do. Don't allow yourself to get stuck in your ways that are negative toward your happiness. Don't Allow excuses such as "that's just who i am or how things are" to control your life.
Remember you always have the choice to do what is best for you.

About Brittney
Hi, my name is Brittney Stofferahn.
I am a certified mindbody coach through "Pain Free for Good" by Heather Peterson. I am also a certified yoga instructor. I help others take back control of their lives so they may enjoy more of the things they love and let go of negative thoughts and false beliefs that hold them back. By bringing to the surface the root of it all so that you may see and learn for yourself how all the control you need is in your hands and has been there the whole time.
Growing up I had to work through many challenging moments and how they affected me personally. From leaving a religion I was raised in, death of my father when I was 17 years old, and being true to myself even when I stood alone. I never seemed to find where I belonged. Everyone else seemed to think they had the answer for me. I spent years trying to find myself. I didn't give up when I had anxiety or depression, I didn't cave into temptation or the social norms. I wanted to stay true to me and what I wanted.
After being a Massage Therapist for 10 years I learned a lot about our body and mind. How our emotions affect our physical wellbeing. My clients became comfortable with opening up about their personal lives to me and talking about what was really going on and how they truly felt about situations. They always left feeling not only better psychically but mentally as well. It never lasted though because they would go back to their lives and not do anything to change what was bothering them. Their emotions got suppressed and their physical pain came back. They never felt like it was appropriate to express how they truly felt or that they would just simply get over it either to please others or not wanting to fail.
I decided to leave Massage Therapy and pursue my passion in mental and emotional healing. I first became certified in Life Coaching and Emotional Intelligence Coaching. I still didn't feel like this was enough to truly help others. That is when I met Heather, Pain Free for Good. She is a certified mindbody healer and coach, helping others heal their physical pain and illness by working through emotions and negative thoughts. I am always learning and trying new things to help my own personal pain and trauma. Before being coached by Heather I had eczema for 9+ years. I had been to multipole doctors and tried hundreds of drugs and diet changes, nothing worked. After only a couple sessions, not only did I notice the eczema go away but my family and friends did too. I get emotional thinking about it. I was in so much pain, I cried begging for it to get better, I truly thought it would never go away. That I was going to have this forever. Even when I learned that the death of my father activated the eczema, and it was all stressed related. I still needed to do the work, understand the root belief before my skin healed. I believe in this work because of what it has done for me and continues to do for my wellbeing. I hope that I can help others that are in a similar situation. Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, separation from a religion or just simply wanting more peace and happiness in your life. I believe life is all about learning and growing, opening your eyes to new ideas and possibilities.
Certified Mindbody connection coach through "Pain Free for Good" owner and founder Heather Peterson
Brittney became certified in Mindbody connection through Heather Peterson, owner and founder of "Pain Free for Good".
Brittney continues to work under Heather as an independent contractor.