Time heals all wounds
"Time heals all wounds" -Unknown
As we don't know where exactly the exact quote comes from. Time heals all wounds" is an idiom that means feelings of sadness or disappointment will gradually go away over time.
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy is credited with saying, "It has been said, 'time heals all wounds. ' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone". This quote is attributed to Kennedy on Goodreads and A-Z Quotes.
I agree with Kennedy's statement towards the well known quote. The simplicity of time passing and the more days, months, or years from the time of pain will heal the trauma is not just that simple. Overtime you can build scare tissue and suppress these thoughts and emotions towards the situation. But I promise you this is not healing. This will only cause long term triggers, physical pain and illness, and poor coping skills. To truly allow time to heal our wounds is doing the work and going through the pain. You must sit with the thoughts and emotions that came from the situation, ask yourself why did this effect me and cause emotional pain? You must learn from the situation so you can better respond in a way that helps you heal and grow. In a book "The compound Effect" by Darren Hardy there is a part where he gives an example of 3 different men. One does the same thing, has the same thoughts every day. One talks poorly about his life, never takes responsibility for his actions, has poor habits and no ambition to change. The last one takes small changes everyday, speaks positivity about himself and his life, and make positive habits in his life. At first no changes can be noticed but over the years big changes start to happen. The first guy stays exactly the same, the second guy has gone down heal and the third guy is much better off in his life and very successful. Showing that it doesn't take huge changes in your life to have a better life. It's having small consistent changes in your life that will make a long term big impact.
Now that we have established that time is not on our side when it comes to healing and growing but what we do with our time. Here are some things that help heal you over time.
Being honest with yourself about your emotions and thoughts
Keeping your thoughts in the present moment. When your emotions get high ask yourself what time frame are my thoughts am i thinking about what happen or what could have happened or am i think about the future what I'm scared to happen what needs to happen. things like this. even if its one hour in the past or one hour in the future we must keep our minds in the present moment.
When you start to over think ask yourself is what i am saying true? How can I possible know it's 100% true?
Talk or write down things you are grateful for in your life.
Talk or write down what your excited about.
Ask yourself if boundaries need to be put into place with others or yourself so that this wound does not continue to open up?
Talk with a life coach, therapist, or psychologist. (Link link below to see which one is best for your healing)
Things that you might be doing to heal that don't allow long term healing.
Addictions to drinking, drugs, porn, shopping, vacations, spa's, sports, gym, etc.
Not allowing or unable to talk about the situation.
Pointing blame to everything or anyone else.
Only pointing blame toward yourself.
Focusing on helping others heal before helping yourself.
Long term medication your doctor has prescribed you to without an end goal.
Healing takes time and patients. Be kind to yourself and always do what is going to be best for you. Being selfish isn't a negative thing. We must take care of ourselves first so we may be able to give the best vision of ourself to the world. We can not expect anyone else to do the healing for us. We can not expect ourselves to continue to be in pain with no sign or without trying to heal and grow.